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Merivale YBC Photos


April 22, 2012
Bill Mackenzie
Orleans Bowling Center

April 28, 2012
Bowler of the Year - Zone
Merivale Bowling Center

May 27, 2012
Masters - Senior
NEB's Fun World
Oshawa, Ontario


Ontario Twosome
March 4th, 2012 House Round Winners:
Class 1
Bantam: Kevin/ Kim Kelly
Junior: Ross Mogg/ Jake Powell
Senior: Taylor/ Pete Seguin
Class 2
Bantam: Jacob Astley/ Chantal Morin
Junior: Kyle/ Paolo Panarotto
Senior: Stephanie/ Frank Ladouceur

They advanced to the finals April 1st at Valley Bowl in Petawawa

Ross Mogg & Jake Powell are off to Provincials Aprill 22nd.


Most tournaments are played using a handicap system (or on a pins over average basis) so everyone has a chance to win, regardless of their ability. The philosophy behind these events is the promotion of sportsmanship and the development of experience in an organized event.
The exception to this is the 4 Steps To Stardom which is the YBC’s National Championship and is an opportunity for the more talented individuals to take part in a competitive Canadian sporting legacy.
